The first thing that I need to tell you right now, prior to us even looking at these techniques is to

make 100% certain that the individuals signing up with you know what they are getting themselves into.
For instance, how many e-zines or newsletters have you ever subscribed to merely to find out that they‟re not in reality e-zines and newsletters, simply ad lists (which to be truthful aren‟t all that bad in certain situations).
The decision you arrive at now will shape your
business far in to the future, however more significantly whatever you tell your buyers and subscribers they will be receiving will shape your response rate substantially, and that is plainly something we will wish to take into account from the very beginning.
So there we have it. Principle number one, never tell your buyers they are getting something then refuse them that, or send them things that they have not called for or didn‟t know about, as not only will that get you into trouble, but it will as well affect the loyalty and trust these buyers and subscribers have with you, which is so crucial.
What we are aiming to establish here is a targeted and effective list that has response rates through the roof depending upon what you are promoting.
Do not forget this likewise includes
affiliates, and might form a big part of your affiliate base.
You ought to be truthful to your buyers and be really careful with their personal details and not divulge it to any other 3rd party and you should likewise have regular
communication with your subscribers.
Getting an autoresponder which will likewise keep you out of the anti – spam filter will likewise help you a lot.

Among the most crucial things that you should do is to get personal. You should address your subscribers by their name and keep your e-mails short and exact.
Although you may feel that you need to describe your products in detail, you ought to resist that temptation and not bore your buyers with lengthy e-mails and keep it as short as possible nevertheless conveying everything you wanted to in the first place.
Make it simple and inform your subscribers about the advantages that they get out of it.