Beef Up Your Communication Skills
A leader or upline in network marketing needs good communication skills to reach out to downlines. With good communication skills, a leader can give proper instructions, making it clear to understand. Good communication skills make a good team, too, and a leader can gain trust from downlines. These are some effective communication skills:
Listen. An effective leader will not just give instructions and telling downlines what to do; an effective leader will listen to them, understand them, and give them suitable advice. Show signs of you being a good listener. Repeat what they say occasionally or ask questions.
Understanding barriers. A leader should consider barriers that prevent effective communication with downlines. The stress that the speaker is facing, different races and cultures, different perceptions on what was said and what was heard are some sorts of communication barriers.
Body language. A leader must understand and show proper body language in different occasions. Body language is important as it defines what kind of leader you are. A responsible leader will not use impropriate body language in wrong situations.
Asking questions. Asking the right questions can allow a leader to understand effectively what motives the speaker has in mind. When downlines approach a leader for resolving problems, downlines themselves may sometimes found a solution when the leader asks questions to direct them back to the right path. However, do not be offensive when asking questions.
Be confident. Be confident in yourself and your downlines who work with you. Do not be easily influenced. Downlines depend on their leaders. Confidence builds trust among downlines towards their leader. Downlines look up to their leaders.
Building trust. Gaining trust from downlines is important to be an effective leader. If downlines approach their leader and tell him/her about privacy, keep it confidential. Do not easily spread what was told to you. Do not talk about others behind their backs; show good examples.