The Standard American Diet Dos and Don’ts
In America today, the typical diet that most Americans consume daily is very unhealthy. The rest of the world has a nickname for it, which is the SAD diet. This stands for the standard American diet, and the standard American diet is one of the most dangerous lifestyle choices that a person can make.
First of all, it is chock full of red meat and dairy, which are absolutely fabulous when it comes to clogging your arteries and causing hypertension in the body. This might not be so bad if the red meat was grass fed, but unfortunately, many of the cows that are ingested in North America are treated with growth hormones and other chemicals that can leach into the meat and cause major problems in the human body. The meat is contaminated by carcinogenic chemicals that are distributed to the cows to try to keep them growing at an accelerated rate, as well as to keep them free from diseases that could spread among the other cattle.
Another issue with the standard American diet is processed foods. Processed foods are highly available in North America, and often considered a staple food for the daily diet. The issue with this is that these foods lack fiber and have a tendency to be excessively high in saturated fats and sugars. Not to mention, the highly dangerous salt content. The standard American diet consists of foods that make it difficult to lose weight, especially those processed foods which contain high fructose corn syrup.
High fructose corn syrup is something that should be avoided at all costs. It sticks in the body and makes it nearly impossible to lose weight. Not only that, but it is basically pure sugar and it packs on the pounds like nothing else.
If you want to indulge in a standard American diet, there are some decent things that you could do. Try to eat fruits and vegetables with every meal. Don’t allow yourself to skip a meal that doesn’t have something green or another color of the natural food rainbow in it. If you need to have your meat, unit lean, and try to find grass fed beef to consume. Instead of eating white flour buns, look for whole flour alternatives. Whole-wheat has far more fiber and is much more nourishing for the body.
You want to be able to consume foods that are high in fiber, because not only do they help you feel full and digest things better so that you can eliminate the toxins from your body that cause you issues, but it also helps you to lose weight. Without fiber in your diet, you become fatter much faster, and it can become a very difficult trend to break out of.
As a rule, avoid the standard American diet if possible, but if you can’t, make sure that you are implementing changes that make it work for you. You’ll be glad you did, if not now, then in the future when you are not suffering from the same issues that other people who have lived off the standard American diet are dealing with.