The Fact About Colic

The Fact About Colic

  Colic is so general among infants that most individuals are not surprise any longer when it occurs. Still, for the first time mother it may be a harrowing and panicking experience particularly with her normally quiet angel screaming around-the-clock in the background. It’s commonly manifested at about 2 to 3 weeks of age. It gets more prominent during the first 2 months and subsides at 3 months old. Colic totally stops at about three-and-a-half to four months of age.   Colic is really not so dangerous. It may seem so though from the way children would cry and scream at the top of their lungs. As a matter of fact, it may be so common that parents might experience an episode on an every day basis; and after the first episode, parents commonly learn to handle succeeding ones with cool. Yet, physicians and scientists can’t pinpoint up till now just what exactly causes colic. It simply happens.   Colic, to those who are not acquainted with the issue, is a bellyache that happens after eating. Because of the continuous pain, babies cry for hours and hours till the colic is relieved. Crying may last for about one to four hours, devolving on the severity of the pain. Babies’ cheeks will likewise become red from the exertion and maybe the pain.   When there’s colic, the belly of the baby might become distended or might become enlarged. One leg will be bent while the other will extend straight out. The feet will become cold and the hands clenched fast because of the pain.   Frequently, it will occur late in the afternoon or early in the evening after each meal. It may however likewise happen any time of the day. Not all children suffer from colic and a few even suffer less frequent than others. Medical authorities believe that genetics play a role. It appears that if one or both parents have suffered from colic when they were children, their offspring will likewise experience colic episodes.