What to Remember When in Conversation
What to Remember When in Conversation
When we are deep in conversation with someone, it is so easy to forget how to behave! True, when we are totally engrossed in something, we don’t realize that there are a few things that need to be kept in mind. Conversation etiquette is a very important aspect of personality development. Perhaps the person speaking with you—the other end of the conversation—may not realize your demeanor, but if there is someone else listening in on the conversation, they are likely to make a judgment.
So, what is conversation etiquette? What are the things that you need to keep in mind, though it is very difficult to do that during a conversation? Here they are…
Listen More Than You Talk
One of the chief aspects of conversation etiquette is that you have to listen more than you talk. Give the other person a chance to say what they want to say. Hear it out completely. Don’t interrupt in between unless you need some elaboration on something.
Don’t Shoot Off Your Own Trajectory
A very irritating habit during conversation is when people start telling their own tales right in the middle of something someone else is telling them. You say something to your friend, and then your friend starts giving an example from their own life! You should make a definite effort not to do this. Your own life is colorful to you, but at the moment someone else is sharing something with you. Hear them out completely and give them valuable inputs where needed. Your own story can wait.
Remember Details
It is very important to be attentive when talking with someone. You cannot afford to miss out on the details. When they are saying something, it is very impolite to ask them what they are talking about! Though human memory is what it is, you cannot cite your poor memory as a reason all the time.
React According to Situation
Be ready with the right reactions… surprise, disgust, happiness, anger, etc. Every story that someone tells you needs a reaction. Don’t be too reticent about expressing your emotions. People want reassurance in the form of your emotions.
Don’t Start Patronizing or Advising
Unless called upon to do so, you should never dole out advice during a conversation. When someone tells you something, most times they just want a pair of ears. That gives them enough liberation. But if you start dishing out advice, it might be taken in the wrong way. Give advice only when someone asks you for it.
These are the basic rules you have to remember when you are in conversation with someone. Basically, be a decent, attentive person who shows their expressions when someone is talking with them. That’s what’s expected of a listener anyway.