Why You Should Start a Business Rather than Have a Job
For most of us, there are two ways in which we can earn a living. We can either take up a job at some company where we get paid a regular salary with perks and incentives, or we can start a business of our own and earn the profits of whatever we sell. The former option is considered to be the more stable option, the more traditional one. That is why when most people think about what they would want to do in their lives, they think of nice cushy jobs that could pay them a large amount of money.

However, you should not completely denounce the second option either—starting a
business of your own. Today, most of the people who are highly successful are those who have control over their lives in a professional manner of speaking. And this is only possible if you have a business. If you have your own company, however small, then you are your own boss. That even gives you more satisfaction from what you do.
It might have been true that businesses were difficult to start and manage once upon a time, but that is definitely not applicable in today’s world. Today, a lot of people are carrying out their business pursuits from the comforts of their home. The Internet has made it possible for all of us to be able to pursue our profession from our home itself—several people are managing entire virtual offices with dozens of employees from all over the world, just through their laptops.
But, the benefits of even these
Internet based businesses are the same. You still get to be your own boss, you control your life, you have the option to work as much or as little as you want, which means you can decide on the size of the paycheck you get.
There is actually no point being in a job if you don’t want to. Why would you work for someone else when you could work for yourself so easily? If you have
entrepreneurial skills, then it is certainly not a good idea to get into a job and work for mere wages.
So, plan your professional life well. Maybe you could consider a job if you are sure of
growth and if the job is really good and from a very well established company that pays handsomely, but if that is not the case, then a business is also not out of the realms of possibility either.