When getting the attention of the viewer is top priority then using the logos is a good way to start. Ideally logos are simple and informative through their design image and also almost always easily recognizable.
This makes it a good access point to the site. This is further enhanced when the exercise of embedding a URL is added into the equation. The embedded URL which is more commonly referred to as linking is done then the logo is saved as an image and the use of HTML becomes more accessible.
Spice It Up
There following are some guidelines which can be used in the quest to get the banner ads viewing optimized:
Uploading the logo image file which by this point should be suitably designed to reflect the overall site content can commence. This is done or tagged to the intended website.
Then the process of opening the HTML file of the webpage where the link is to be embedded is the next step. Both plain text and HTML editor can be used.
The following should be typed into the intended area the link loge is to appear…..
replacing the www.website.com with the URL that is best suited to link the logo.
Then type the file name for the logo into the image tag using the following route
replacing it with the logo image previously uploaded.
Then close the link tag with the full HTML code will appear as follows –

Uploading the web page to the web server can commence.
To ensure all is properly done one should check the uploaded page to ensure the linked logo is displayed properly. These are the technical assistance side of the process but suffice to say that without the well designed logo getting the viewer to identify with the site may take a longer period of time by comparison.