Take Action

Simply having all the right information and tools will not ensure an individual is well on the way to a good night‟s sleep. There is a need to put into practice all that has been found or suggested to be helpful in the quest to identify the best and most suitable style for the individual‟s needs. Get Moving The following are some of the methods that are recommended for consideration:  Forcing sleep is not something that is unachievable. Contrary to popular belief, with the right tools sleep can be successfully induced. Creating the “stage” using limited lightening, playing soft soothing music, getting into comfortable attire, having a comfortable sleeping bed with equally comfortable accessories all help to add to the general inducing exercise.  Though overly strenuous activities are often discouraged especially closer to desired sleeping times, some form of activity that will cause the individual to be sufficiently tired will be welcomed. This will enhance the body‟s need for rest and also encourage the individual to seek this rest in the form of sleep.  Audio distractions are often the reason why people lament about the lack of sleep. Making sure the sleeping environment is free from such distractions will be instrumental in creating a more conducive atmosphere for sleep.  For most individual who are of the older age group, making a conscious effort to avoid any caffeinated beverage is advised. Even the smallest amount of caffeine content drinks and foods can add to the struggle to gain a good night‟s sleep.  Though this method requires some experimental trial exercises, it can be beneficial to know that certain types of foods may induce sleep while other may have the opposite effects like keeping the individual alert. Like caffeine there are other foods that may have this particular reaction when consumed.

Take Action

Sometime having all the necessary information and tools available but not taking the next step that requires some sort of action to be taken does not help at all. Being well informed yet refusing to use the said information to benefit others is information wasted indeed. Get On It A lot of situations today become problems simply because people are unwilling to get involved or take some sort of action. Instead most hope that the situation will right itself or simple go away. This lack of action can and as evidence has shown is detrimental to any relationship especially the family relationship unit. Thus there is a very important need to not only address the situation but to also make all efforts to design and execute a well thought out plan to rectify the situation. Problems will always exist in one form or another and if one is well prepared or used to launching into a mindset of problem solving the exercise will eventually become easier and more result orientated. Taking action can sometimes be an unpleasant task but nevertheless it should be done at the earliest possible opportunity. Allowing the situation to right itself may not happen and this could result in an even more difficult situation. Enlisting the help of others who may have better experience or knowledge on how to approach the situation is very helpful especially if the said situation and the individuals involved do not have good relationships. Taking action can also mean addressing the situation and bringing it out in the open for all to see and understand. In doing so some aspects of the situation may be brought to light and be better understood. It will also to a certain extent force all those connected to the situation to be more forthcoming with their feelings and contributing factors that caused the situation to reach such a state.